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Remember your magic

and reactivate your aliveness

Adventure to The Outer Hebrides, Scotland
Summer Solstice, 2025, Dates TBD

You have been longing for a reconnection with real magic… To spend time immersed in nature’s healing energy and laughing around a crackling fire with friends old and new.

Life has been F-U-L-L O-N lately, and your body and spirit feel tired and depleted from the push to GO, CREATE, SERVE. Even though you are—by many accounts—living with alignment and purpose as you facilitate healing and transformation for others…

Your depletion goes deeper than the demands of daily life.

There is an ache and longing deep within you for something that feels far away; an echo of ancestral memory tickling the edges of your consciousness.

You know there’s a level of support and renewal that’s only available from being held, not just in sisterhood, but by the lands themselves—lands that are connected to people who came long before you, before they were colonized… Before their magic and medicine were stripped away. 

It’s way past time for you to receive.

From sisterhood, from the Ancestors, from the Land, from the many realities beyond the veil.


But… receiving?? UGH.

It’s very hard to let that allllllllll the way into your heart when you are used to being the one to care, the one to nourish, the one to support.

You are the wise one for your community.

You are the lighthouse for your friends.

You are the in-demand healer, coach, facilitator.

You are the expert that people turn to.

You are used to having the answers.

Well, guess what?

It’s YOUR turn to refuel…

In ways that go far beyond what yet another training, certification, or short-lived vacation can offer.


There is a place, out at the wild edges of Western Scotland, where humans and stones have circled for more than 5,000 years.

Where the winds wash your energy clean and the birdsong sounds familiar to some ancient part of your soul.

Where you can imagine fairies and gnomes cavort and giggle as soon as you glance away.

A place to joyfully re-activate your own magic, medicine, and mystery by being held by the other-than-human realms…

Come play at the edge of time…

On the Spring Equinox—after a journey through the Scottish highlands and a mystical night in the forests of Inverness—an intimate group of women will walk onto the windblown and wild shores of the outer Hebrides islands off the Western coast of Scotland.

For 6 days and 6 nights, we will howl at the moon, sing the songs of our souls, feel the Earth pressing Her spring desires into the bottoms of our feet, and sip broth late into the night by a crackling fire.

We will restore our bodies, receive support and love from the Ancestor realm, and ready ourselves to spring forth into life and purpose with renewed gratitude, clarity, and lightness.  

The Details

When: Summer Solstice 2025, Dates TBD

Where: The Scottish Highlands and the Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, UK

Who: An intimate group of 6 soul sisters, guided and held by
Ginny Muir & Lola L’Amour

We will visit the Standing Stones at Callanish, craft meals from the local fishmonger, baker, and butcher, and immerse in experiences designed delight, restore, and replenish you.

Your Journey Includes:

  • Cozy shared accommodations at mystical locations on mainland Scotland and on the Isle of Lewis
  • Private group transportation throughout
  • All meals at home prepared by our personal kitchen witch
  • Playful adventures and rituals at sacred sites of the Highlands and Outer Hebrides
  • Exploring the rich Gaelic and Norse Craft, Culture, and Cuisine of the Outer Hebrides; a wee dram? Why, thank you!
  • Sacred sister circles and ceremonies 

Meet Your Guides

Lola L’Amour has been leading transformational retreats around the world for over 10 years. She believes humans were designed to create and steward beauty in this world, but we have lost our way and forgotten how to live Life As Art… Her work is held with reverence and irreverence, and brings about nothing less than a total life shift.

As an experienced ceremonialist of Nordic, Celtic, and Saxon descent, she channels devotional song, story, and rhythm to activate your inner light. Lola is a fiery catalyst, a sacred space designer, a healing priestess, a lover of life, a wife + mother, and a champion of the wild feminine.

She is also the founder of Anima Mystery School, author of the sold-out Wild Messengers Tarot, and will be releasing a new podcast (her 4th!) in 2024.

Lola brings an energy of relentless joy and freedom of expression. She is excited to bring this journey on her ancestral and lands to life in partnership with her longtime friend and a trained member of her priestess lineage, Ginny Muir.

Joining us from the wild mountains of Boulder, Colorado, Ginny Muir guides courageous humans to transmute shadow into power. She walks the path of seer, truth teller, and alchemist; never shying away from taking a dose of her own medicine.

Her playful-yet-deep, spacious presence encourages others to let down their guards and touch into the tender places that most need tending. 

Ginny is a carrier of the Anima Priestess Lineage and descends from Breton, Germanic, Gallic, and Celtic peoples. When she is not facilitating transformational experiences, you’ll find her rambling rocky ridges with her pup Rusty, cackling around a table of fellow witches, or immersing herself into that which makes her soul come alive.

“Although I’ve had the pleasure to receive guidance from Lola in the past, arriving at her retreat space was the first time I felt her magic in the flesh, and I am not exaggerating when I say the experience she created was life-altering.

Lola is so authentic in her words and actions that I was immediately at ease in her presence, and every aspect of the retreat was lovingly planned, from our cozy shelter and healing spaces to the delightful and nourishing meals. She effortlessly owned her power as our leader while remaining on our level to keep us safe every step of the way, and her true gift as a healer was evident in every breath, song, and touch that moved through her during our circle work.

The space Lola held allowed us all to embark upon a journey that had us opening, shifting, and releasing in ways we never could have imagined, and I left the experience with a full body knowing of truths I had only glimpsed before – a knowing I trust has been imprinted on my soul.”

-- Sabrina Bolin, Mama and Certified Hypnotherapist

“Ginny, I’m not sure I have the words to thank you enough for this weekend, but I’m going to try.

Thank you for your fierce love and protection in the depths of darkness. Thank you for bringing me to the strength I needed to face my most hidden fears. Thank you for never leaving, never wavering, never hesitating to hold space and be completely present. Thank you for seeing who I am through the facade and pushing me to find that truth. Thank you for sharing your gift and your light. I’m in my body for the first time since I fractured and left it.

It is the single greatest gift anyone has ever given me, a return to myself in such a full and present way. My soul knew that I needed the medicine that you bring to the world, and I am so very grateful.

-- Paige Paradis

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't know my ancestry, or my people come from elsewhere?

On this journey, we will be connecting with Ancestor medicine, which goes beyond our personal lineages and drops into a collective field of love, support, and inheritance.

This is less about your ancestry and more about a connection into our shared history as both indigenous and immigrant, as woman and witch, as animal and human.

No matter where your people come from, there is much healing, joy, and inspiration to be found in letting the soul song of Scotland weave into your very bones.

If you feel longing, resonance, and kinship with the energy of the video below, then you’ll be right at home in this experience:

Do I need to be a Woman to attend?

Yes. The intention of this retreat is to support women in connecting both to their true selves and with other women who are like-spirited. We use the term “women” to include all humans who identify as a woman, including non-binary and trans women.

For many women, friendships with other women have been charged, toxic, and damaging. It can be hard to trust that other women will truly have your back and will welcome and receive you for ALL that you are; your light and  your shadows, your gifts and your imperfections.

Women need a sacred space to recalibrate, amongst others who understand the unique beauty, joys, and frustrations of life as a female. I believe that when women suffer, our society as a whole suffers…  and when women heal, our society heals.

If you are not a woman and desire a similar experience, please make sure you’re on my email list to stay in the loop about other upcoming retreat offerings.

What will be the group size?

We are curating a very intimate group of just 6 women + Ginny and Lola for this experience.

There will be plenty of opportunities for both interaction / connection time as well as space for solitude and reflection.

After the retreat sells out, we will open a wait list in the rare case that there’s a cancellation and a space reopens.

How does the arrival process work?

We will all meet at the Patisserie Valerie at Glasgow’s Central Station at noon on March 18th, 2024. After sharing a quick snack together, we’ll hit the road and head for the Scottish Highlands and our first night in a local inn in Inverness.

Depending on travel timelines and pricing, it may be more advantageous for you to:

  • Fly into Edinburgh and take a quick 1.25hr train to Glasgow
  • Fly directly to Glasgow
  • Plan your arrival date for the day before and lodge locally before we meet up

Upon confirming your space, we’ll be happy to assist with clarity around your travel logistics.

What is the cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your space before February 18th, 2024, any payments made aside from your non-refundable deposit will be refunded to you in full.

50% of all payments received (less the deposit) will be refunded if you need to cancel between February 18th and February 29th.

There will be no refunds for any cancellations after March 1st, 2024.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! If you will not be paying in full to reserve your space, we will happily arrange for a payment plan that meets your needs.

The total balance due must be paid in full by June 1st, 2025.

Lola & Ginny — I want in!


The 2025 Retreat dates will be released soon.
Please send us a message on our contact page for first dibs on a space.