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Let’s Collaborate

If you want your dreams & desires to come true, you must make space in your life for them to exist.

If you desire a partnership, you’ve gotta make space for union. If you desire more intimacy, you have to be available for deeper connections and expand your capacity for both delight and depth. If you want more business, you need to attract more clients. If you want to feel creative inspiration, you need to find and pursue what turns you on…

People come to me when they are ready to make space—in ALL the ways—for the life they actually want.

My Approach

I consider each human life to be a sacred container filled with purpose, potential, passion, pleasure, and play. But, most of us have developed leaks over time that slowly erode away some—or all—of these beautiful possibilities; leaving us feeling at least a little lost, empty, confused, resentful, depressed, or anxious.

We get angry and frustrated with ourselves or lash out against our circumstances. We put up a front and hide (maybe even from ourselves) how insecure we feel. We numb out. We slip up. We disappoint ourselves and our loved ones. We feel a cruel ache inside that whispers, “You know you’re not living up to your potential…”

We try supplements and yoga and ice baths and EMDR and anything else that promises to fill the holes.

Many of those things can—and do—help.

But, after working full time for 14 years with clients as their transformational coach, healer, retreat leader, ceremony facilitator, and spatial designer…

I’ve created a holistic approach that covers the four zones where people most often leak their power, passion, pleasure, and purpose:

1 | Who are you, really?

“Soul” is an ephemeral thing. No one really knows what it is or where it lives. But you can feel it…. You can feel when someone or a space (or even a meal) is particularly soul-FULL, can’t you? And you can feel it when someone or somewhere is soul-less, too, right? For our collaboration (and your transformation) to go anywhere good, we’ve got to infuse it with SOUL. Through modalities like relational nature therapy, soul mentoring, and embodied creativity, I’ll help you get back in touch with yours; drawing it out as a friend and ally to guide you on your path.


2 | Where are you in—and out of—integrity?

Self Love might be a meme-able idea on insta, but how does it actually look and function in practice? You know it’s about more than just #selfcaresaturdays with bubble baths and candles… I believe the concept of “self love” only gets embodied when it becomes a spicy marriage between self-TRUST and self-RESPECT. This is where my background on the human nervous system plus a unique take on tools like Human Design, the Gene Keys, and Astrology can help you understand your internal wiring so you can operate from a place of empowerment rather than habit and shadow.

I will help you answer questions like Why do I always do that when I’m triggered? Why can’t I stop _______? Why does this pattern keep repeating? What am I really best at? Once you know who you are and how you operate, it is much easier to be in integrity to yourself, which builds both self trust and self respect – HOT HOT HOT.

3 | How are you sharing your true self with the world?

When you read “Style” you might be thinking about outfits and accessories, and you’re not wrong. Fashion is a huge part of self-expression, but as with everything, I also dive far below the surface with this aspect. Here, we not only edit and enhance your wardrobe, we also look at your voice and communication, your sexuality and erotic archetypes, your posture and non-verbal language. “Style” is actually about embodiment of the self and soul you’re now much more intimate with.

I’ll help you unify the beautiful human you are on the inside
with the self you present to the world.

4 | How can your space become your greatest ally?

Space design is a territory most coaches don’t—or can’t—address well. And most interior designers aren’t skilled at coaching their clients through a transformational process. But, when you work with me, you have a skilled guide accompanying you through the terrifying terrain of growth, PLUS you have someone who can help you create a space that supports, enhances, and literally brings your transformation home.

Our spaces can either detract from or amplify our way of being in the world. They can help us remember who we really are. They can be the launch pad for our purpose and a sanctuary of restoration.

Work with me and your space will not only look and feel amazing, it will also support you in living into your dreams. 



Transformational Coaching | In-Person or Online

Many clients begin here. In regularly scheduled sessions, online or in-person, I guide you with humor and grace to release what’s holding you back from being your true self. Sessions may include a variety of modalities to facilitate your growth.


Embodiment & Wardrobe Transformation

I’ll help your insides match your outsides, guiding you to edit and enhance your wardrobe, accessories, and skincare/makeup routine, as well as address other embodiment hangups that prevent you from transmitting your full magnetism.


Design & Styling for Homes and Hospitality

A design immersion that transforms your space into exactly the vibe you want it to be. Depending on what’s needed, I will help you edit and select furnishings + decor, paint and style your space(s), and arrange to sell or donate what needs to go.